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The Adventures of Miss BB

Nucci Solazzo Presents: The Adventures of Miss BB


Miss BB: Angela Erren-Capp

Mr. Bear: Joshua Gordon

Marcus “Fire Engine”: Cabrina Gilbert

Narrator: Evelyn Tolman

Amanda: Olivia Gorin

Michael: Myles Moraties

Mother: Sabina Lavin

Father: Scott Schurdell

Grandma: Margaret E. Solazzo

Lead Vocals:

Visions Of Santa Claus: Marlyn Sanchez & Tony Perez

  Miss BB Dance: Maya Haddi

Mr Bear Jive: Joshua Gordon

C.A.Tabby: Rosanna Schneider

Marcus Rocks: Josh Roberts

Dress The Tree: Josh Roberts & Joshua Gordon

Special Solo Performance:

Phil Gates: Mr. Bear “Growls”

Phil Gates: Guitar on Marcus Rocks

Anna Wanselius: Saxophone on Marcus Rocks

Russell Mines: Mandolin on Miss BB Dance

Soda Gardocki: Accordion on Miss BB Dance

Mark Marciliano: Grand Piano on Visions Of Santa Claus, Mr. Bear Jive & Little Gifts

Illustrations by: Jeannette Bischoff

Coloring by: Michael Ray Greco

Animation: Moraites Agency

Thanks to Phil Gates at DCT Studios California for recording the Guitar & Saxophone Leads on Marcus Rocks.

Music: Created / Preformed and Recorded by Nucci Solazzo at: R-Dream Productions / Blue Dragon Studios Hollywood California

e-mail: Nucci Solazzo

Copyright 1998 Nucci Solazzo